
Spedition & transport as well as warehouse from one source

Logistics - this is more than just transporting products and packages from A to B in the shortest possible time. It is a method for solving complex tasks, some of which run simultaneously and are interdependent.

At Lammers, we are ready with a sophisticated communication architecture to handle the diverse requirements of different logistics areas, such as fleet or material management but also process design.

Whether it's the First In - First Out principle, intelligent warehousing solutions in our warehouse or our fully networked and constantly monitored in-house fleet. We offer you forwarding & transport as well as warehouse from one source. This allows us to respond flexibly to situations and develop exactly the logistics concept you need at that moment.

For us, this also means that we continuously check every link in the supply chain, are always open to improvements and also demand these from our partners. This means that we can always find ideal solutions for all the different requirements.